Profile Photo
Jack S. Josey

Jack S. Josey


Appointed by

Governor Connally





Date of Passing

February 27, 2003
U. T. Institution(s) Attended

U.T. Austin

JACK S. JOSEY, of Houston, president of the Josey Oil Company, is vice-chairman of The University of Texas System Board of Regents. He was appointed to a six-year term on the Board of Regents in 1965 by Governor John Connally. Mr. Josey first became board vice-chairman on Dec. 1, 1966, and was re-elected to that position on December 7, 1967.

A 1939 graduate of The University of Texas at Austin, Mr. Josey holds a Bachelor of Science degree in petroleum production engineering. He is a former president of the U. T. Dads' Association and a life member of the Association's executive committee. Mr. Josey serves on the boards of several business enterprises and is a board member of Hermann Hospital in Houston.

For many years Mr. Josey has given support to a variety of U. T. projects. He and his wife, the former Elva Johnson, provided furnishings for the Academic Center's' Josey Room, a study used by students in UT honors programs.

Mr. and Mrs. Josey are the parents of three children-- Lenoir, a U. T. Austin graduate now enrolled in the Harvard Graduate School of Business; Carolyn (Mrs. John Young), who also has a degree from

U. T. Austin, and Bobbie, a high school senior.

last updatedin 1968


Jack S. Josey resigned from the Board on September 12, 1970.