1.5.1 Informal Bids - Purchase Value of $15,000 - $50,000

A. Guidelines

Informal bidding is used to procure goods or services when the expected value equals or exceeds $15,000 but is less than or equal to $50,000.  The following guidelines apply to informal bids:

  • The bidding opportunity is not required to be publically posted
  • Suppliers may submit their bids to departments via mail, email or fax
  • Departments must forward bids to the Office of Contracts and Procurement and create a requisition in the PeopleSoft system
  • Departments must obtain a minimum of three (3) written bids
  • Departments are strongly encouraged to include at least two (2) bids from certified HUB suppliers;
  • Office of Contracts and Procurement staff may solicit additional bids if it determines that there are additional suppliers capable of providing the goods or services

B. Procedure

  1. The department solicits bids from suppliers for the required good or service
  2. The department prepares a requisition in the PeopleSoft system
  3. Office of Contracts and Procurement staff reviews the requisition; if additional bids are required Office of Contracts and Procurement staff will notify the department
  4. Selection of the winning bid is generally based upon lowest price unless circumstances require consideration of other criteria
  5. The Office of Contracts and Procurement buyer issues a purchase order to the supplier
    1. In some cases, it may be more appropriate to enter into a contract
      1. Office of Contracts and Procurement staff will initiate the contracting process
      2. Purchase of software often require a EULA (End User License Agreement) that are handled as contracts