Benefits & Human Resources Conference

Welcome to BHRC 2020!

For the first time in its history, this year's BHRC will take place online. We're bringing the conference directly to you via Microsoft Teams LIVE events. Please review all of the information below for complete details and links.

Important Details

This information will help you get the most out of the conference.

Attendee Information

Please be sure you officially registered for the conference via Cvent. If you are not yet registered, please email Shelley Trepanier for assistance. 

You can attend sessions using a web browser, but we recommend using the Teams app on your desktop for the best experience. For technical tips from Microsoft about attending Teams Live Events, please visit

IMPORTANT: You will be able to watch and listen to the conference and participate in a moderated Q&A, but, please note that you will not be able to share audio or video as an attendee. Please use the Q&A window to submit questions or comments during the sessions. Most sessions will have some time included for presenters to directly address questions. We will be following up after the conference on any questions that aren't addressed during the sessions.

Please see the "Additional Resources" section below for details about getting copies of presentations used during the conference.

Continuing Education & Professional Development

Both CE and CPE credit will be available for attendees again this year. Please be sure to attend the full session for which you are requesting credit. If possible, log into the session using your Teams account. If you log in anonymously, you can add your name to the meeting record in the Q&A section for documentation purposes.

There will be a specific link provided in the Q&A section during each Live event session (Wednesday AM, Wednesday PM, Thursday AM, and Thursday PM). Please be sure to click the link and fill out the form completely for each session for which you wish to request credit.

Join the Trivia Contest!

These are strange times and we'll miss seeing everyone in person this year as we hold our first ever virtual BHRC. But we still wanted to build a little extra fun into the experience. So, we are pleased to announce a fabulous, germ-free, appropriately distanced trivia contest open to all attendees! The contest will be running throughout the conference. Keep your thinking caps on and be sure to keep an eye on the Q&A for the link to compete in each round.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Answers will be accepted for a limited time only after the link for each round is posted. Stay on your toes!
  • Competition is on the honor system. No Googling allowed – it wouldn’t help for some of the topics anyway.
  • Be sure to include your name when submitting your answers. Why, you ask? Because worldwide acclaim, bragging rights, and other fabulous prizes (courtesy of our vendor partners) will be awarded after the conference has ended.
  • Winners will be selected based on the speed and accuracy of your answers as well as your participation throughout the conference. Are you in it to win it?!
Additional Resources

Presentation slide decks and other supporting materials will be available via SharePoint. Registered participants should have received an email from Jeff Scroggin inviting you "to collaborate on Benefits & Human Resources Conference 2020." Before clicking on the invitation link in the email, we encourage users to first log in with their Office 365 account at This will simplify the process for you to accept the invitation. Then, please follow the link in the email message. 

If you have any problems accessing the site, please email Jeff Scroggin

To access the SharePoint site after you have accepted the invite, please visit

BHRC Agenda

Attend the Conference

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Morning Session:

Afternoon Session:

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Morning Session:

Afternoon Session: