Internal Resources and Information Systems


Authorization Requests: Authorization contacts at the institutions may submit requests for authorization using a Request for Application Authorization Form. Completed forms must be transmitted by an institution’s Authorization Contact to be processed. Please note: A University of Texas at Austin Electronic ID (EID) must be obtained by the user before access to legacy (mainframe-based) applications can be granted.


For administrative access to the enrollment and eligibility system at Benefitfocus (Marketplace), please make requests to Jaclyn Fleming and Jim Moore. Please note that there are three levels of access for different roles: Payroll, HR/Benefits, and reporting only.

Legacy Applications (mainframe-based, requires UT Austin EID)

Other Resources and Information

Dataset Layouts

Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance Transaction Set (ASC X12N 834) can be found at:

Payroll Deducted and Other Group Premium Payment for Insurance Products Transaction Set (ASC X12N 820) can be found at:

Annual Enrollment

Wait Tables for New Employees 

New Employee Waiting Period Table (2019-2020)

New Employee Waiting Period Table (2018-2019)