Close up of a UT System Police Badge, with text on the side of the image: Office of the Director of Police

Joe Hernandez, UT Rio Grande Valley - Featured Officer of the Month

Joe Hernandez
Joe Hernandez

I would like to first give all thanks and glory to God, who created all things and who holds everything together.  I thank my wonderful wife Beatrice for all the love and support she has given and continues to give.  I also would like to thank the University of Texas System Police for the opportunity to be part of the UT Nation.  Each day is an honor and privilege to be a part of such a wonderful law enforcement family.  I would like to thank all who supported me and made it possible to be where I am today. 
I was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas and in 2002, I started my UT law enforcement career at UT Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA).  During the hiring process, the Chief mentioned that UTHSCSA was growing and was starting a campus in the Rio Grande Valley.  The Chief asked me if I would consider going to Valley for just two years to help get it started.  The original plan was to bring me back home to San Antonio.  After the two years were up, I decided to stay in Rio Grande Valley. I saw so much potential for growth here; so, I never returned to San Antonio.  In 2003, I completed the intense bike certification course through The Department of Homeland Security.  Part of the training included a first-place award, to which first place was shared between myself and a border patrol agent.   It wasn’t until after that course that I realized I had a passion for bike patrol. 
In 2017 the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Police Department (UTRGV PD) selected me to attend the International Police Mountain Bike Association (IPMBA) Instructor course. As an instructor, I look forward to certifying our officers and surrounding departments in public safety cycling.  I am also looking forward to bringing new and updated refresher training to our current certified bike officers.  My future goals with the UTRGV PD is to become a certified bike mechanic, so that all our bikes will be maintained and repaired in house.   My second goal is to become certified as a Bicycle Response Team (BRT) member.  UTRGV PD will be the first of its kind to bring these training opportunities to our department and South Texas.  Along with being part of the bike patrol division, I am also part of the UTRGV Medical School.   On a weekly basis, I assist the mobile health unit by providing security detail in plain clothes. The UTRGV Medical School faculty and staff provide free health care to many poverty- stricken colonias throughout the Rio Grande Valley (four counties).         
Outside of work, I enjoy drawing near to God, reading His word, spending quality time with my love ones, and learning how to become a better man, husband, father, son and officer.       
Being in law enforcement at times is very stressful, yet highly rewarding.  I love what I do and wake up each day in hope that I can do my part to make a difference in someone’s life. I strive to find ways to be a better servant to our campus and our community. 
Thank you for choosing me for this tremendous honor.  I am humbled and proud to serve the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley campus.
I will constantly strive to achieve these objectives and ideals, dedicating myself before God to my chosen profession enforcement.
-last sentence from the law enforcement code of ethics.