Close up of a UT System Police Badge, with text on the side of the image: Office of the Director of Police

Sorangel Alvarez, UT Houston - Featured Officer of the Month

Sorangel Alvarez
Sorangel Alvarez


I am a person of faith and do truly believe that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. I am in awe with all the blessing I have received, and with everything I have accomplished in life. Though they did not come easy, at the end, they have not been unobtainable. I smile at how opportunities tend to open up for me or show up at a hands reach. The opportunities never come through when I want them, nevertheless, they come through, especially when I least expect them.

I started as a public safety officer back when they were known as guards in April of 2006 with UT- Houston. I applied for the cadet position for UT-Austin in 2008 and was hired for the cadet position. so I moved to Austin, alone and on a very tight budget, but I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. I started the academy in January of 2009 and graduated as a commissioned peace officer in June of 2009. I started my training after the academy with some of the best FTO’s, I gained a lot of experience, and made awesome friends during my time at UT-Austin. Although I would miss my UT-Austin family, I transferred to UT- Houston on November of 2011 to be closer to my family, and have been here ever since.

I am not your typical person who sets a goal and calculates every step to reach that particular goal. I’m more of a person, who sees an opportunity that I qualified for and I take it (after several attempts of course). I don’t recall ever getting something on the first or even on the second try, but what I do know is that I never give up and I never let my setbacks keep me down. I also like to do things that I know will help me improve. I know what my weaknesses are, so I work on my weaknesses to better myself. I also like to learn things to a point where I can go back and help or teach others.

My personality might confuse people, I tend to be quiet, and can come across as an introverted person. Some people wonder, how is she in law enforcement?”, but as the saying goes “don’t ever confuse my shyness for weakness”. Being a police officer never crossed my mind when I was younger. Like I stated before, I saw an opportunity to become a cadet, I saw that I qualified for the cadet position, so I took it. Failed the first few times, but I did not give up, and now I have been commissioned for about 8 years. I love the job, the uniform, the badge, and what it represents, and I am glad that I decided to try something so unknown to me. I am glad that I never gave up because I would have missed out and now I don’t see myself in any other career field because this is for me. I have learned a lot and don’t take this job for granted. Throughout my law enforcement career, I have taken courses not to only better myself, but to help others.

Working for UTP-Austin and UTP-Houston has given me the opportunity to work in two different environment settings and I have learned a lot. Both UTP-Austin and UTP-Houston have given me the opportunity to grow as an officer and better myself. Between the 2 components, I was able to become a R.A.D. instructor, Crisis Prevention Intervention instructor, Basic Course instructor, ASP Baton Instructor, and a Firearms Instructor. I also have my FTO certification and I was given the opportunity to work with the community outreach program. I gave presentations to hundreds of people and coordinated events, even (though public speaking was my biggest fear), the opportunity to be in community outreach made me overcome my fear. My latest accomplishment within the department is obtaining the rank of a Sergeant.

It has been a rough journey, but I have the greatest support in my family, they have always encouraged me to push forward. However, my biggest motivation is my daughter, she keeps me going and won’t let me quit. I have high hopes that she will see her mom, as a strong woman, who was able to do it on her own, and show her that with hard work and dedication, anything is possible. Thank you.