Text of image: The University of Texas System: Advancement Academy


Digital Fundraising Strategies (for UT Health Institutions)

Event Status
Event is passed

Date and Time



UT Health Cooley Center
Houston, TX
Registration Information

Online registration closed Thursday, January 18.

Event Description

The workshop focuses on applying the Bentz Whaley Flessner (BWF) Digital Fundraising Model. This model is a logical and practical framework on which to build a digital fundraising strategy that provides guidance to various functional areas within your development operations, including alumni relations, annual giving, major giving, planned giving, stewardship, and events.

Agenda Overview

Morning Session - The Digital Fundraising Model: The purpose of the first half of the day will be to gain a better understanding of the Digital Fundraising Model as it relates to healthcare fundraising and the logical set of steps that will help guide digital strategies.

  • Digital Trends, Facts and Figures.  Understanding where the ball is going.
  • Digital Visioning and Goals.  Clear goals lead to better targeting.
  • Digital Audience Development.  Getting narrow to get results.
  • Message Creation Best Practices.  Speaking to personas.
  • Channel Selection and Integration.  Getting the right marketing mix.
  • Technology Selection.  The tools needed.
  • Digital Campaigns.  Structure, pathways, and journeys.
  • Digital Engagement.  Keeping the conversation going.
  • Digital Reporting and Analysis.  Understanding digital campaign data.
  • Digital Campaign Example.  Major gift pipeline.

Afternoon Session - Hands-on Digital Strategy Development:The purpose of the second half of the day will be to apply the model by building some real campaigns for a grateful patient and health cause related donor audience. 

  • Identify a specific fundraising or marketing objective. 
  • Develop a simulated:
    • Audience
    • Message
    • Channel Mix
  • In groups, build several digital campaigns. 

Who should attend? UT health institutional staff working in the areas of Annual Giving, Alumni Relations, and/or Development Communications.

Note: This workshop was offered to our Academic institutions on December 5, 2017.

CFRE Credit

This workshop has been approved for 5.0 points towards the CFRE credential.


Barett Christensen, Bentz Whaley Flessner (BWF)