Creating a Culture of Cybersecurity in the Workplace

Welcome to Week 2 National Cyber Security Awareness Month! The second of our weekly cyber security topics is “Creating a Culture of Cybersecurity in the Workplace.”

The Internet has become an indispensable tool assisting in so many ways, from reaching new customers to enabling the mobile workforce to do its job. But being constantly connected increases the risk of online theft, fraud and abuse.

Protect Your Workspace

The Symantec 2016 Internet Security Threat Report revealed that in 2015, there was a record-setting total of nine mega-breaches, and the reported number of exposed identities jumped to 429 million. And our organization is definitely being targeted by cyber thieves – because of the information we have in our safekeeping:  employee data, student data, research data, and much more.  The handout, Protecting Your Workspace, contains cybersecurity guidance and physical security guidance that will help make University data safer.

Spearphishing and CEO Fraud

Cyber criminals are sneaky – they are constantly coming up with new way to get what they want. One of the most effective methods is to target specific individuals in our organization – called spearphising. From HR staff and purchasing staff to executive leadership, cyber criminals hone in on their target and craft their attack accordingly. This newsletter, CEO Fraud, details this new attack vector, also known as Business Email Compromise.

Reporting Incidents

Do you think you are a victim of cyber crime? How do you know when you have been a victim of cyber crime? The document, Report Suspicious Cyber Incidents, will help you identify cyber security incidents and gives you instructions for reporting incidents.