New Timesheet Coming Soon!

OTIS has designed a new interim timesheet (Employee Timesheet System) to replace our current (also interim) SharePoint solution. SharePoint could no longer handle the year end influx of timesheets and we want to avoid problems we’ve experienced over the past two years. The end goal is still to utilize self-service timesheets in PeopleSoft so we will have another upcoming transition though not currently scheduled.

In preparation for the rollout, please ensure you’re up-to-date with submissions. Also, please scroll through your timesheets to ensure none are in a form state requiring action from you such as Saved and Denied.  You will not be able to create timesheets in SharePoint after 4/30.

Managers, please be sure to review/approve all timesheets weekly.  Timekeepers will need to catch-up and their ability to do so relies on your action.

The Employee Timesheet System (ETS) will go-live on Monday, 5/1. Training will be offered the week before and the week of go-live. The ETS has many great features and we’re excited to show them off! Stay tuned for the training schedule.