Contract Administration

Contracting Guidance for U. T. System

Guidance for procurements utilizing a Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) can be found on the GPO Accreditation Program webpage.  

Guidance for FORM 1295, Vendor Disclosure Requirements for Contracts Exceeding $1 Million, effective January 1, 2016, updated January 1, 2018, can be found in a memorandum dated February 12, 2018.

Texas Government Code, Section 2261.253 requires posting of contracts and purchase orders with private vendors on the agency website, as well as request for proposals related to a competitively bid contracts and the U. T. System Purchase and Contract Transparency Report is responsive to this requirement and available for public review.

Contract Administration at U. T. System Administration

Contracts at U. T. System are managed at the department level with oversight by the Office of Contracts and Procurement. The Contracting function is a collaborative effort. It begins when an employee, later known as the "Department Contract Administrator" is charged with procuring goods or services for their department. The employee should contact the Office of Contracts and Procurement for procurement assistance and review the following documents:

Some of the departments that collaborate in the contracting process are:

Per Regents’ Rules and Regulations, Rule 10501, Sections 2.5 and 2.6, The U. T. System Board of Regents delegate the authority to sign System Administration and Systemwide contracts to The U. T. System Executive Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs. Any contract procured by a U. T. System Administration department, on behalf of U. T. System Administration or U. T. System must be submitted to the Office of Business Affairs for signature by the Executive Vice Chancellor. The U. T. System Delegations of Authority chart is a listing of current delegation memoranda.

Please contact the Office of Business Affairs or Contracts and Procurement for contract processing questions.