Services Offered

System Administration Compliance Office Services


The System Administration Compliance Program exists to provide support to System Administration departments as they work to promote a culture of ethical behavior and to ensure compliance with all applicable laws, rules, regulations and policies.  The Compliance Program is available to partner with departments to help them:

  • identify and prioritize their compliance risks,
  • prevent and detect noncompliance, and
  • remedy noncompliance if it occurs

Specific ways in which the System Administration Compliance Office is available to provide support to departments include:

Risk Assessment

Aiding departments in identifying applicable laws, rules and regulations governing their area; Supporting departments in evaluating and prioritizing compliance risks that are critical to System Administration.

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Preventing Noncompliance

Helping develop and implement various controls to prevent noncompliance, such as policies and procedures, operational/supervisory/oversight controls, checklists, risk management plans, and compliance training.

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Detecting Noncompliance

Supporting departments in proactively detecting noncompliance through departmental monitoring, risk management plans, investigations, and reporting.

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Remedying Noncompliance

Helping the department identify ways to prevent future noncompliance through corrective action plans, improved controls, updated policies and procedures, revised training content and delivery method, etc.  

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Specialized Compliance Training

Aiding departments in providing specific employees with the training necessary to perform their jobs and to understand the relevant compliance issues based on their job responsibilities.

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Assessing Department’s Compliance Effectiveness

Assisting departments in understanding the strengths and weaknesses of their compliance program; developing risk management plans designed to prevent, detect, and respond appropriately to compliance risks; providing assurances to executive management that critical risks are well controlled.

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Avenues to Report Noncompliance / Investigations

Providing employees with an opportunity to report suspected noncompliance in a manner that preserves confidentiality;  Investigating allegations or incidents of noncompliance.

Contact the System Administration Compliance Officer (David Givens 512-499-4532) if you would like to find out more about services offered.

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