IT Governance

Strategic Leadership Council

The Strategic Leadership Council (SLC) provides leadership for System-wide IT initiatives. The group is responsible for defining IT management guiding principles and policies, including how technology standards will be set and adherence monitored. The SLC fosters collaboration among the 8 Academic and 6 Health institutions. It is chaired by the UT System CIO and has both regular face to face meetings as well as participation via a list.

Contact: David Crain

Information Technology Council for Higher Education (ITCHE)

ITCHE is a statutorily defined group of the CIOs of the six public Texas higher education systems plus a representative of the 4 public independent universities. It reviews proposed rules relating to higher education and makes recommendations and comments to the Department of Information Resources. The UT System CIO acts as the coordinator.

Contact: Marg Knox

Shared Data Center Committee (SDC)

The committee is responsible for the governance of the two Systemwide data centers. It is responsible for setting business and strategy decisions including: initial funding, budgets and recovery rate; reviewing performance and agreements on a periodic basis; and coordinating long-term objectives. The committee is chaired by the System CIO. Each data center has quarterly meetings for its participating institutions.

Contact: Marg Knox

UT Information Security Council (UT CISO Council)

The Council is composed of the CIOS/ISO of each institution and is chaired by the UT System CISO. It protects the information assets of the University of Texas System by promoting the exchange of security information, developing and sharing information security tools, promoting cost effective common solutions to information security problems and vulnerabilities, and advising executive leadership as needed.

Contact: Helen Mohrmann

UT InfoSec

InfoSec is the information security council. It is an information exchange for IT security professionals, auditors, and other IT professionals for UT institutions. This council has regular face to face meetings as well as active list discussions. It is sponsored by the UT System CISO’s office.

Contact: Helen Mohrmann