State Required Reports

Texas Government Code Sec 2052.0021 enacted by the Texas Legislature in 1999, states that state agency reports required by law must be made available to members of the Legislature in an electronic format specified by the Texas Legislative Council. The Office of the Budget and Planning submits the following reports to the State of Texas.

Contact the Office of the Budget and Planning (512.499.4792) to request reports for prior years not found below.

DISCLAIMER: Reports found on this web site are not intended to present data regarding the financial condition of The University of Texas System and must not be relied on as such by any reader.

State Agency Legend

  • GOV - Office of the Governor
  • LBB - Legislative Budget Board
  • CPA - Comptroller of Public Accounts
  • LRL - Legislative Reference Library
  • SAO - State Auditor's Office
  • THECB - Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
  • TLS - Texas State Library  
  • DIR - Department of Information Resources
  • BRB - Bond Review Board
  • LGO - Lt. Governor's Office
  • SHO - Speaker of the House Office
  • SCF - Senate Committee on Finance
  • HAC - House Appropriations Committee
  • SOS - Secretary of State

On this page:


Appropriations Requests

Budget/Financial Reports

Contract Management and Oversight

Required Issue Date: September 30 even-numbered year and summary report for the biennium August 31 odd-numbered year
Agency Requiring Report: LBB and GOV

File Additional Information
More Info on FY 2023 Contract Management and Oversight Report
More Info on FY 2022 Contract Management and Oversight Report
More Info on FY 2021 Contract Management and Oversight Report
More Info on FY 2020 Contract Management and Oversight Report

Homeland Security Funding Budget

Eliminated as of the 2024-2025 General Appropriations Act

File Additional Information
More Info on Homeland Security Funding Budget: FY 2022
More Info on Homeland Security Funding Budget: FY 2013
More Info on Homeland Security Funding Budget: FY 2009

Human Resources/Salaries

Staff Compensation Report

Eliminated by Legislation – Gov’t Code Section 659.026 repealed by Senate Bill 1677, 87th Legislature, Regular Session, 2021.  Effective September 1, 2021.

File Additional Information
FY 2021 More Info on Staff Compensation Report: FY 2021
FY 2020 More Info on Staff Compensation Report: FY 2020
FY 2019 More Info on Staff Compensation Report: FY 2019
FY 2018 More Info on Staff Compensation Report: FY 2018

Salary Supplement Report

Required Issue Date: As Required by the State Auditor’s Office
Agency Requiring Report: SAO

File Additional Information
FY 2020 More Info on Salary Supplement Report: FY 2020
FY 2017 More Info on Salary Supplement Report: FY 2017
FY 2014 More Info on Salary Supplement Report: FY 2014